Privacy Policy

This privacy policy applies to your use of (the “Site”) and is designed to inform you of the information we gather as part of your use of the Site and how we use such information.  Anthropocene Capital Management, LLC is referred to as “Anthropocene” or “we” in this Privacy Policy.

What type of information does Anthropocene collect?

We may collect three types of information from time to time about users: (1) “Personal Information” (such as name, company/employer, phone number, physical address, email address, IP address, session data for your log-in session, and other account-related information); (2) “De-Identified Information” (such as non-identifiable statistical information on the Site usage); and (3) “Aggregate Information” (such as information about how many users log on to the Site on a daily basis):

Personal Information is collected online when users voluntarily submit personal information by establishing an account, requesting information, sending or receiving electronic notices or other similar communications on the Site.  Your Personal Information will be retained for fulfillment of the intended purposes for which such Personal Information is collected.

De-Identified Information is collected online information in which all personal information has been removed by Anthropocene. De-Identified Information is used in a collective manner for analyses and statistics in order to improve the Site.  De-Identified Information does not personally identify a specific user.

Aggregate Information is non-identifiable (or anonymous) information about you, such as pages most frequently accessed by you.  Aggregate Information is used in a collective manner, and no single person can be identified by that compiled information (for example, the number of people who logged into the Site in a given day).  Aggregate Information does not personally identify a specific user.

We will establish minimum and maximum retention periods based upon the type of information collected (i.e., sensitivity), the intended purposes and as otherwise may be legally required.

How does Anthropocene use personal information?

Your privacy is important to us.  We will use Personal Information provided by you in accordance with good commercial practice and applicable law.  If you provide us with your email address (or have done so in the past), we will send notifications to you, along with any content you have elected to receive (such as our newsletter or alerts).

We also may use information provided by you, to provide notifications about certain features of our Site to measure interest in our various services, and to inform you about various products and services offered by Anthropocene.  These offers may be based on information provided by you as well as information available from external sources.  We also may use your Personal Information collected via the Site in the performance of our services and in order to provide, maintain and improve our services as well as to develop new services. 

By providing information using the Site, you warrant to Anthropocene that your Personal Information is reliable for its intended uses, accurate, complete and correct, and that you will promptly notify us if such Personal Information is no longer current or correct.

Does Anthropocene use cookies to collect personal information on the site?

The Site may utilize a standard technology called a “cookie” to collect information about how the Site is used.  A “cookie” is a small text file placed on your hard drive by our web page server.  These cookies may collect machine specific information, including your IP address, MAC address, and unique browser identification information. 

Your browser is probably set to accept cookies.  If you would prefer not to receive cookies, you can alter the configuration of your browser to refuse cookies.  If you choose to have your browser refuse cookies, it is possible that some areas of our Site will not function properly when you view them.

We do not combine Aggregate Information collected through cookies with other Personal Information to determine who you are or your e-mail or IP address.  We cannot access other cookies sent by other websites or the information contained in those other websites. 

We may use cookies to track usage of the Site and further customize your experience when you are visiting the Site. 

When you visit the Site, we automatically collect Aggregate Information about your visit. We can tell the type of computer, browser, and web service that you are using. We also know the date, time, and pages that you visit on the Site and the geolocation of the device that you are using. Collecting this information helps us design the Site to enhance your experience during access. We may use Aggregate Information for internal purposes, such as tracking demographic data and providing targeted content to make the Site.  The gathering of this Aggregate Information may be accomplished by the use of cookies.

Does Anthropocene share personal information with others?

As a general policy, Anthropocene does not share, sell or trade Personal Information collected via the Site with third parties without permission from the user.  However, we may provide your Personal Information to third parties directly involved in the operation, performance, support, hosting and/or maintenance of the Site and any of the services which we provide. Any Personal Information will be used by such organizations only to perform their functions and/or to provide services in support of the Site, and as otherwise permitted by law or approved by you in accordance with this Privacy Policy.  Aggregate Information or De-Identified Information may at times be shared with our business partners and other third parties.

We reserve the right to assign or transfer your Personal Information to any successor in interest to our business associated with the Site by merger, reorganization, sale of all or substantially all of our assets or equity interests or operation of law.  We also may divulge Personal Information if such information is required for us to comply with any valid legal process, such as a subpoena, search warrant, statute or court order, or if we reasonably believe that you have commit unlawful acts or acts that may endanger the health or safety of another user or of the general public.

Does Anthropocene collect personal information from children?

Anthropocene does not knowingly solicit data from children or knowingly market to children. In accordance with the U.S. Children’s Online Privacy Protection Act of 1998, we do not knowingly request or solicit personally identifiable information from anyone under the age of 13.  In the event that we receive actual knowledge that we have collected such Personal Information without the required and verifiable parental consent, we will delete that information from our database as quickly as is reasonably practical.

How does Anthropocene secure my personal information?

Anthropocene maintains commercially reasonable safeguards designed to protect the security, integrity and privacy of the Personal Information provided by you. Such security safeguards are intended to be appropriate to the sensitivity of the Personal Information collected. To the extent that we transfer any Personal Information to third parties, we will use commercially reasonable efforts to ensure that such third parties to whom we may transfer any Personal Information have knowledge of our Privacy Policy and provide sufficient protection of such Personal Information.

What about privacy on websites linked to the site?

You should be aware that other Internet websites to which you hyperlink from the Site may contain privacy statements that differ from our Privacy Policy.  Anthropocene encourages you to read and understand such privacy policies and terms of use of any linked websites accessed by you.  If you decide to access such linked websites and/or provide any personal information to such linked websites, you do so entirely at your own risk. Anthropocene is not responsible for such provisions, and expressly disclaims any and all liability related to such provisions.

What else should I know about Anthropocene’s privacy policy?

No transmission of data over the Internet is guaranteed to be completely secure.  It may be possible for third parties not under the control of Anthropocene to intercept or access transmissions or private communications unlawfully.  If you choose to visit the Site, your visit and any dispute is subject to our Website Terms of Use.

How can changes be made to the privacy policy?

This Privacy Policy has been adopted with the recognition that Internet technologies are rapidly evolving, and that underlying business models are still not established.  Accordingly, these policies are subject to change at any time and Anthropocene expressly reserves the right to modify the terms of this Privacy Policy at any time and in our reasonable discretion.  Your continued use of the Site following our posting of a change notice will constitute binding acceptance of this Privacy Policy and all changes thereto.

Who can I contact at Anthropocene if I have questions about this privacy policy?

Anthropocene uses a self-assessment approach to ensure compliance with this Privacy Policy and periodically verifies that this Privacy Policy is accurate, comprehensive for the information intended to be covered, prominently displayed, completely implemented and accessible and in conformity with applicable laws.  We encourage you to raise any concerns, including directing any requests for the modification, deletion, or return of your Personal Information, to: